Monday, January 30, 2006

eyythth ty hteh t

Question 1

We have all in our time either used napster or heard of napster. It was the start of the music download through the internet.

It became so popular that a lot of the big companies thought that they would go bust because nobody would buy music no more. Also it gave a platform for less known artists to share their music with the masses without having to get a producer who would want them to change their music to the taste of the main boss.

So according to the Andrew Gullivan Blogging is heading the same way. The need for publishers will disappear and people will not have to worry that their original article will be watered down to the taste of the editorial board and the powers up above.

Question 2
Every person has his or her views on anything to everything. May it be the latest news headline on the TV or the paper, may it be the political situation, may it be on a company’s policies, or just life; Everyone has that view. Up till now there was very little one could do to voice those views.
Blogging has empowered the individual to voice his opinions with ease and to the whole world (it's another thing that nobody might be interested). It has given the individual to discuss his views with a broader audience than the pub he used to go to. He can also now get feedback on his opinions. The greatest thing about it all is the anonymity.

For the information hungry reader, blogs have given him a whole ocean full of latest news and views, and now he has the power to tell the reader I he thinks his info is wrong which he never had previously.

Yes the Traditional publication model will still be relevant in the future.

  • Blogs are always coming up with news Ideas but what traditional media has the power to do is to get the facts to make the story solid.

"This is Journalism and Weblogs working together at its best. Bloggers break the news and hash it out... and a Journalist adds a layer of reporting on it, bringing that news beyond the Blogosphere."

  • There are too many people with blogs who haven't got the faintest idea of how to write and end up putting very boring things

Alongside the boom, however, there have recently been a few faint signs of backlash. As increasing hordes take on the task of trying to keep new sites looking nice, sounding original and free from banalities, more hordes just seem to fail.

Question 4

With the proliferation of blogs we are seeing a whole new group of people blogging about everything from politics to what they ate this morning. I am sure that most people aren't interested in what someone ate this morning, so users are faced with trying to find something creative to write to get people to subscribe and read their blogs daily. And the challenge for them is to maintain their blogs, and not be let down if nobody reads.

Also for the developer it is a constant challenge to innovate blogging to get the real knowledge of experts onto the blogging world as written in Blah, Blah, Blah and Blog by farhad manjoo:-

Winer added that the technology behind weblogging still needs to get significantly easier for the real talent to come online. "What I'm interested in is the doctors and professors and engineers and people who have a good education and a social area of expertise. We need to really reach those people, we have to go a couple of levels in terms of ease-of-use."

I think a challenge many developers are facing is to make blogging available on all types of devices, from mobile phones, to pda's, blackberry's. They should look into how people can blog by text messaging, or how people can turn their mobile phones into live camera feeds.

The greatest challenge of all according to me is the challenge of authenticity. With blogging all sorts of people have access to be able to tell the world something. Blogging behaves just like Chinese whispers and before you know it the EU will have a new flag.

Over 60 blogs linked to the story about the new EU flag, most of them bemoaning the "hideous" and "truly ugly new flag". But what most people don't know is that the flag was just a concept design not officially commissioned by the EU.b
(Blogosphere: the emerging Media Ecosystem by John Hiler)



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Question 1

We have all in our time either used napster or heard of napster. It was the start of the music download through the internet.

It became so popular that a lot of the big companies thought that they would go bust because nobody would buy music no more. Also it gave a platform for less known artists to share their music with the masses without having to get a producer who would want them to change their music to the taste of the main boss.

So according to the Andrew Gullivan Blogging is heading the same way. The need for publishers will disappear and people will not have to worry that their original article will be watered down to the taste of the editorial board and the powers up above.

Question 2
Every person has his or her views on anything to everything. May it be the latest news headline on the TV or the paper, may it be the political situation, may it be on a company’s policies, or just life; Everyone has that view. Up till now there was very little one could do to voice those views.
Blogging has empowered the individual to voice his opinions with ease and to the whole world (it's another thing that nobody might be interested). It has given the individual to discuss his views with a broader audience than the pub he used to go to. He can also now get feedback on his opinions. The greatest thing about it all is the anonymity.

For the information hungry reader, blogs have given him a whole ocean full of latest news and views, and now he has the power to tell the reader I he thinks his info is wrong which he never had previously.

Yes the Traditional publication model will still be relevant in the future.

  • Blogs are always coming up with news Ideas but what traditional media has the power to do is to get the facts to make the story solid.

"This is Journalism and Weblogs working together at its best. Bloggers break the news and hash it out... and a Journalist adds a layer of reporting on it, bringing that news beyond the Blogosphere."

  • There are too many people with blogs who haven't got the faintest idea of how to write and end up putting very boring things

Alongside the boom, however, there have recently been a few faint signs of backlash. As increasing hordes take on the task of trying to keep new sites looking nice, sounding original and free from banalities, more hordes just seem to fail.

Question 4

With the proliferation of blogs we are seeing a whole new group of people blogging about everything from politics to what they ate this morning. I am sure that most people aren't interested in what someone ate this morning, so users are faced with trying to find something creative to write to get people to subscribe and read their blogs daily. And the challenge for them is to maintain their blogs, and not be let down if nobody reads.

Also for the developer it is a constant challenge to innovate blogging to get the real knowledge of experts onto the blogging world as written in Blah, Blah, Blah and Blog by farhad manjoo:-

Winer added that the technology behind weblogging still needs to get significantly easier for the real talent to come online. "What I'm interested in is the doctors and professors and engineers and people who have a good education and a social area of expertise. We need to really reach those people, we have to go a couple of levels in terms of ease-of-use."

I think a challenge many developers are facing is to make blogging available on all types of devices, from mobile phones, to pda's, blackberry's. They should look into how people can blog by text messaging, or how people can turn their mobile phones into live camera feeds.

The greatest challenge of all according to me is the challenge of authenticity. With blogging all sorts of people have access to be able to tell the world something. Blogging behaves just like Chinese whispers and before you know it the EU will have a new flag.

Over 60 blogs linked to the story about the new EU flag, most of them bemoaning the "hideous" and "truly ugly new flag". But what most people don't know is that the flag was just a concept design not officially commissioned by the EU.b
(Blogosphere: the emerging Media Ecosystem by John Hiler)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

blah blah & blog

  • The practice of blogging is hardly new. Well before the dot-com swoon, blogging began to boom.
  • a group "large enough that at least there's many different weblogs, and a million different kinds of weblogs,"
  • John Dvorak of PC Magazine said that while a few blogs were insightful, many new webloggers were getting into blogging for all the wrong reasons. They were "wannabe writers" who were looking for "ego gratification," Dvorak wrote.
  • 90 percent of science-fiction is crud. That's because 90 percent of everything is crud." so 90% of blogs are not interesting enough for people
  • so what if most weblogs aren't interesting? The good thing, said Williams, is that everybody doesn't have to read them all.
  • weblogging still needs to get significantly easier for the real talent to come online.
  • even before this new technology arrives, some of those who have taken a dim view of the mainstreaming of blogging say there is still a lot to be celebrated.

Monday, January 23, 2006

The emerging Media Ecossystem


A News Story life cycle
  • It has to as soon as it comes otherwise somebody else will get the crowds.
  1. Most news stories start off as Breaking News: a story that no one else knows about.
  2. fter the Breaking News comes out, then it's time for the Analysis: Why did this happen? How could it have happened? What does it all mean?
  3. Op-Ed

  1. Print Journalists break lots of news stories. If the story is exciting, other print media outlets will pick it up and run with it. You can almost always spot when this happens, because the story will often credit the source
  2. There are a limited number of participants in the Traditional Media Food Chain, with only so many people available to do the original reporting and fact checking the whole systems needs to work. Because of these limited resources, many have charged Traditional Media with a consistent bias that fails to reflect the diversity of opinions and ideas.
  3. a strong sense from some readers that Media organizations have a mixed record when it comes to accurately and fairly reporting the News.
  1. because bloggers are not biased by any one media you get a more original viewpoints and thus puts itself at the base of the media chain.
  2. Because bloggers are closer to a story, they'll often pick up the sort of things that traditional Journalists miss.
  3. Eyewitness blog can give readers an insiders account. and because of this grassroots reporting has continued to be a key strength of blogs.
  4. As personal and powerful as eyewitness blogs can be, they often lack the credibility of a traditional news outlet.
  5. grassroot blogging may differ from what the more traditional media has to say but this is what Then again, maybe the point of grassroots reporting: at least now there is access to another perspective.
  6. Thematic Blogs usually involve one person(well versed in what they talk about) blogging about their area of expertise or passion.

  1. Anyone can submit an article
  2. Anyone can vote on whether or not that article passes muster
  3. Anyone can post comments about a story, providing feedback and building on the story

  1. people link to each others blogs many of them providing commentary and making additional points about the event.
  1. Because of all the collborative blogs, traditional journalists get ideas for their own stories.
  2. This is Journalism and Weblogs working together at its best. Bloggers break the news and hash it out... and a Journalist adds a layer of reporting on it, bringing that news beyond the Blogosphere.
  1. Blogs feast daily upon Articles writen by Journalists, linking to each article and adding their own comment and perspective.
  2. now weblogs can check facts of a news article,story.
  1. But before bloggers can start the conversation, first they need something to talk about and that is usually article are written by Journalists and published in Big Media newspapers and magazines.
  1. Grassroots Reporting

  2. Blog Filtering

  3. Traditional ReportingBlog Filtering and Fact Checking

  1. the information cycle between blogosphere and media can sometime reinforce lies or biases.
      1. new media---people have a way to correct misinformation and circulate the correct information back into the Media Ecosystem
      2. old media ---difficult in getting a Correction printed in the newspaper... and then, the chances of anyone seeing that Correction buried deep inside the next day's paper.
  1. after 9/11 blogging became more popular and moved away from just tech blogs to political prsonal etc.

  1. Glenn Reynolds compares blogs to 18th century European coffeeshops. where intellectuals could read the free newspapers and debate the important issues of the day. According to Glenn, these coffeeshops were the birthplace of a whole new set of ideas that fueled the next generation of thinkers, artists, and business people
    1. Advantages of blogs
      1. you don't have to be European to participate. and langauage does not matter because there are many translating tools.
      2. Geography has become irrelevant. you dont't have to travel to a coffe hpuse.
      3. the Blogosphere is free - both for bloggers and for readers.

what makes a webloag a weblog

  • That is the essential element of weblog writing, and almost all the other elements can be missing, and the rules can be violated, imho, as long as the voice of a person comes through, it's a weblog.
  • Weblogs are unique in that only a weblog gives you a publication where your ideas can stand alone without interference. unlike others where you get morphed into something else.
  • A weblog is a hierarchy of text, images, media objects and data, arranged chronologically, that can be viewed in an HTML browser.

What is a weblog post
  • A weblog post has three basic attributes: title, link and description. All are optional. Most weblog posts are short, a paragraph or two.
    • archives are where all artcles which are not on the home page are kept, there is a permalink (#) available ehich can be used to link directly to them
    • containing reader comments and responses from the author
    • The home page and each archive page of the weblog usually displays a calendar, in the familiar format, that allows the reader to easily locate the archive pages by time
    • all post are categorised and put in a certain area, so a reader can view all the posts of his interest.
  • Rendering
    • Most posts are rendred through a static template but you can use dynaimc ones
  • There are many wways to let people know of the latest entry to a blog. changes to it. when people have linked to it.
Content types
  • there many types of content one can include in a blog
    • summaries to a long article
    • images
    • movies, office documents, and any other downlloadable thing the user might want to add

The bolgging revolution

  • Blogs are personal articles which can range from any topic, are well-sourced as traditional journalism, but they have the immediacy of talk radio, and will change how journalism functions.
  • Readers of big newspapers doubt the real opinion of the writers knowing that behind them there is an editor who changes the real views.
  • Blogging has made the writer the boss and given him the independance to write what he wants without no guidelines. unlike traditional media where the artcle was influenced by advertisers, editors, particular venuture etc.
  • Blogging can be profitable. you can have a very vast audience and make a profit by writing. You can publish your works in book form through print on demand.
  • Blogger could be to words what Napster was to music - except this time, it'll really work.

weblogs are to words what napster was to music?

Question 1
We have all in our time either used napster or heard of napster. It was the start of the music download through the internet.

It became so popular that a lot of the big companies thought that they would go bust because nobody would buy music no more. Also It gave a platform for less known artists to share their music with the masses without having to get a producer who would want them to change their music to the taste of the main boss.

So according to the Andrew Gullivan Blogging is heading the same way. The need for publishers will disappear and people will not have to worry that their original article will be watered down to the taste of the editorial board and the powers up above.

Question 2
Every person has his or her views on anything to everything. May it be the latest newsheadline on the tv or the paper, may it be the political situation, may it be on a companie's poliies, or just life; Everyone has that view. Up till now there was very little one could do to voice those views.
Blogging has empowered the individual to voice his opinions with ease and to the whole world(it's another thing that nobody might be interested). It has given the individual to discuss his views with a broader audience than the pub he used to go to. He can also now get feedback on his opinions. The greatest thing about it all is the anonimity.

For the information hungry reader the blogs have given him a whole ocean ful of latest news and views , and now he has the power to tell the reader i he thinks hisi info is wrong wich he never had previously.

Yes the Traditional publication model will still be relevant in the future.

  • Blogs are always coming up with news Ideas but what traditional media has the power to do is to get the facts to make the story solid.
"This is Journalism and Weblogs working together at its best. Bloggers break the news and hash it out... and a Journalist adds a layer of reporting on it, bringing that news beyond the Blogosphere."
  • There are too many people with blogs who aint got the faintest idea of how to write and end up puuting very boarin things
Alongside the boom, however, there have recently been a few faint signs of backlash. As increasing hordes take on the task of trying to keep new sites looking nice, sounding original and free from banalities, more hordes just seem to fail.

Question 4

With the proliferation of blogs we are seeing a whole new group of people blogging about everything from politics to what they ate this morning. I am sure that most people aren't inetersted in what someone ate this morning, so users are faced with trying to find something creative to write to get people to subscribe and read theirt blogs daily. and the clallenge for them is to maintain their blogs, and not be let down if nobody reads.

Also for the developer it is a constant challenge to innovate blogginging to get the real knowledge of experts onto the blogging world as written in Blah, Blah, Blah and Blog by farhad manjoo:-
Winer added that the technology behind weblogging still needs to get significantly easier for the real talent to come online. "What I'm interested in is the doctors and professors and engineers and people who have a good education and a social area of expertise. We need to really reach those people, we have to go a couple of levels in terms of ease-of-use."
I think a challege many developers are facing is to make blogging available on all types of devices, from mobile phones, to pda's, blackberry's. They should look into how people can blog by text messaging, or how people can turn their mobile phone's into live camera feeds.

The greatest challenge of all according to myself is the challenge of authenticity. With blogging all sorts of people have access to be able to tell the world something. Blogging behaves just like chinese whispers and before you know it the EU will have a new flag.
Over 60 blogs linked to the story about the new EU flag, most of them bemoaning the "hideous" and "truly ugly new flag". But what most people don't know is that the flag was just a concept design not officially commissioned by the EU.b
(Blogosphere: the emerging Media Ecosystem by John Hiler)


hare krishna