Monday, January 23, 2006

what makes a webloag a weblog

  • That is the essential element of weblog writing, and almost all the other elements can be missing, and the rules can be violated, imho, as long as the voice of a person comes through, it's a weblog.
  • Weblogs are unique in that only a weblog gives you a publication where your ideas can stand alone without interference. unlike others where you get morphed into something else.
  • A weblog is a hierarchy of text, images, media objects and data, arranged chronologically, that can be viewed in an HTML browser.

What is a weblog post
  • A weblog post has three basic attributes: title, link and description. All are optional. Most weblog posts are short, a paragraph or two.
    • archives are where all artcles which are not on the home page are kept, there is a permalink (#) available ehich can be used to link directly to them
    • containing reader comments and responses from the author
    • The home page and each archive page of the weblog usually displays a calendar, in the familiar format, that allows the reader to easily locate the archive pages by time
    • all post are categorised and put in a certain area, so a reader can view all the posts of his interest.
  • Rendering
    • Most posts are rendred through a static template but you can use dynaimc ones
  • There are many wways to let people know of the latest entry to a blog. changes to it. when people have linked to it.
Content types
  • there many types of content one can include in a blog
    • summaries to a long article
    • images
    • movies, office documents, and any other downlloadable thing the user might want to add


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